We carry a wide selection of H braces and are willing to tackle a custom design to suit your needs.
We stock H braces made of 3 1/2″ upset tubing 8ft long for post with dome cap and 2 3/8″ upset tubing 90″ long for brace pipes. Making these H braces a very affordable 8ft x 8ft pipe H brace. We can make this into an adjustable corner for you as well.
We also have this same design but use new 4 1/2″ x .250 wall pipe for post with dome caps. This being our most popular H brace due to its cosmetic appeal and ability to hang gates off of it and giving you many years of service. Available in adjustable corner as well. We can also attach a kicker or a down pipe to the H brace for added strength on long stretches.
And for those who like to GO BIG. We make an H brace using 6 5/8″ pipe with dome caps for post and 4 1/2″ pipe for brace.
We bundle H braces together for ease of transport.